19 May What does brand personality mean?
Brand personality has been an important element of marketing for decades. The introduction of the digital marketing world has made it more important than ever to define your brand personality, as there are so many more opportunities for customers to engage with you, and consistency is therefore key.
So what is it? In a nutshell, it is as it sounds – a set of human characteristics that are associated with your brand. A great example is Innocent Smoothies. If you look at their marketing, they are fun, cheeky, topical, and highly likeable. And they are consistent with this.
Of course, the FMCG sector operates in a different landscape to those within B2B. While there may not be opportunities to be a bit tongue in cheek as we need to remain more professional, there are still lots of great attributes to aspire to that set you apart from your competition.
Most businesses would want to be seen as sincere, and how about kind? Thoughtful, orientated towards family values, and honest are all characteristics that we would aspire to as individuals so they can be applied to brands too.
Perhaps you want to be seen as sophisticated? And elegant? Or does it suit your brand to be more accomplished, influential, and highly-skilled?
However you want your brand to be viewed, this needs to then influence your tone of voice, choice of language, and even imagery. How an elegant brand would speak to its customers would be different to one which was down to earth and more wholesome. This isn’t to say there isn’t a place to have more than one personality type, but mixing too many will simply be confusing.
If you’re struggling with brand personality, go back to basics and brainstorm how you want your brand and company to be seen by your clients. This will, in turn, influence your characteristics, and ultimately how you communicate externally.
Parrot PR and Marketing offer a comprehensive rebrand service. We can help with tone of voice, brand image, core values, and any assets you need to go with your revised brand personality. That’s what we do, and who we are.