19 May How can we bring images to life on social media if we sell product?
Trying to show products in an interesting way can sometimes be a challenge. Some social media channels, particularly Instagram, are driven by the use of engaging imagery as a key part of your activity. While other social media sites rely less on images, such as LinkedIn and Twitter, there is a growing trend towards using photos and graphics to bring your posts to life, drive engagement and showcase your message in a more visual way.
Here are a few top tips from the Parrot team on how to use your product shots to great effect.
1. Adding simple text or graphics onto the shot, such as the name of the product and your company logo can give a lift to a straightforward product shot.
2. Using different angles can help when trying to find a shot of your product that is more engaging. Also picking out key features of the product and focusing on these can again help bring it to life, while showcasing its benefits and unique elements.
3. If you have project photographs where the product has been used, you could partner this with the product shot. Instagram is great for scrolling images (called swiping) so you can easily use two or three images that show the solution in situ and then a more detailed shot of the product itself.
4. You could also experiment with backgrounds. If your product is easy to transform to a cut-out, i.e remove the background, which many photo editing software packages will offer, then this would work well. Try a background with a subtle gradient or a dark background if your product is white, which can create an interesting contrast.
Try exploring some of these options and see what resonates with you, and most importantly your audience. Remember you can also experiment with video – we have advice on that too!